A good first degree in Geography, Development Studies, Natural Sciences, or other related disciplines is required. At least, a Second Class (Lower Division) is required. Candidates with a First class and Second class (Upper Division) degrees are preferred. Candidates shall be selected at a selection interview. A synopsis of proposed thesis is a requirement.
Requirements for Graduation
Students are required to Pass all mandatory courses. The student must register and obtain not less than 60 credits. Furthermore, students must participate in departmental seminars and make at least, two presentations. The MPhil Geography and Rural Development programme shall run for four (4) semesters (two years). Students shall require 30 credits for the taught programme and 30 credits for the Thesis. The taught component of the programme will be examined by course work within the semester and with three-hour papers at the end of the first and second semesters. For the award of the degree, the candidate shall be required to get a pass mark of at least 50% in all subjects and a cumulative weighted average (CWA) of 55%.
The second year shall be devoted to research work, which will end with a presentation of a minimum of 40,000-word thesis on a selected topic within a candidate’s area of specialisation. Internal and external examiners approved by the departmental board will assess the thesis. The assessment shall include a proposal presentation at the initial stages of the work and a defence at the end of the study. Candidates shall be awarded the MPhil degree provided they have passed all examinations and satisfactorily completed their thesis.